Parent Teacher Organization

All parents and guardians of Rolle students are members of Rolle’s PTO. We invite you to attend our PTO meetings and to participate in our projects. Please come and share your ideas, thoughts, and concerns. We welcome and need your participation!

Rolle’s PTO sponsors and supports many projects for the benefit of our students. Our fund raising efforts have provided for student recognition programs, the large ramada, a baseball backstop, sports team jerseys, risers for performances, playground equipment, the cafeteria sound system, and band instruments. We all enjoy the annual Halloween Carnival and Book Fair where the Rolle community really comes together. Be sure to watch for information concerning the monthly meeting times and dates in the principal’s weekly newsletter. We also schedule student recognition and presentations on school issues.

You can help the PTO at Rolle to promote supportive relationships and communication between home and school. We see every volunteer opportunity as a chance to support and assist our principal, teachers, and staff in their efforts to provide an inspiring education. We appreciate you and all Rolle parents. We are amazed at how Rolle parents and other volunteers support, organize, and conduct activities and programs that enhance our children’s education.

Any questions? Please contact us.

Parent Volunteer Program

Rolle parents really enjoy the Parent Volunteer Program. We recommend this as a great opportunity for you to get involved. You can make a big impact at Rolle, and our kids need you now. Students benefit from one-on-one attention within the classroom, and teachers appreciate assistance in preparing materials for instruction.

We need and appreciate all the assistance you can offer. Become involved; your support shows your child that you consider education important enough to give of your time. We see this as a powerful motivator for student achievement.

We need parent help in the classrooms and office, as well as for school functions such as open house, musical programs, and the science fair. We will train you for any activity for which we ask your help. Our PTO has information on volunteering opportunities they sponsor, and they need volunteers for all of our events such as the Halloween Carnival, fund raising events, the Book Fair, and the yearbook. Please pick up a Volunteer Form from the school office and send it in. We will contact you to discuss volunteer opportunities.